m-a-i.qc.ca/en/event/je-ne-vais-pas-inonder-la-mer-2/MAI | Montréal, arts interculturels
Je ne vais pas inonder la mer is a danced elegy that explores the role our relationship with mothers and our heritage play in the construction of femininity. This solo piece by Mexican choreographer and performer Sonia Bustos, draws from her personal history and search for identity, tinged with the pain of grieving her mother and grandmother. At the crossroads of questions on feminine condition, lineage, and memory, the artist explores the phenomena of reminiscence through theatrical dance, awakening all five senses. Food, music, and an evocation of social norms, beliefs and rituals inspire and inform this visceral creation.
Vibrotactile Pillows
Vibrotactile pillows will be available for audience members to access the sound production as direct vibrations. The vibrotactile pillows are provided through a collaboration with VibraFusionLab.